Big Floppa[edit | edit source]
Big Floppa is a popular internet meme featuring a distinctive and striking Caracal cat known for its large size and unique facial expressions. The cat has become a beloved figure in online culture celebrated for its funny features and characteristics.
Naming[edit | edit source]

In late December 2019, ironic Instagram accounts began calling the caracal sahnr or big sahnr. In January, an Instagram user first named Gosha "Big Floppa," and in February, a user posted an image depicting him with his ears digitally removed, along with the caption Flop Exclusive.
Early Life[edit | edit source]
Details about Floppa's early life are still unclear, it is known that Floppa was born in an unidentified breeding facility in Kyiv Ukraine and his caretakers being Andrei Bondarev and Yelena Bondarev.
Story[edit | edit source]

Gosha's owner, Yelena Bondarev, created an Instagram account for Gosha and posted several photos of the wild cat. On December 24, 2019, Andrei Bondarev posted a photo on Instagram showing Gosha lying on a windowsill with Matvei. This image became the basis for the various Big Floppa memes. One of the most famous is "Floppa Friday," in which fans send each other memes in honor of Gosha on the fifth Friday of every year.
Internet Fame[edit | edit source]
In May 2020, Big Floppa memes also appeared on Twitter and Reddit. In the summer of 2020, the meme gained popularity in Russian internet communities, where Gosha is known as Большой Шлёпа ( Bolshoi Shlyopa ). Later, the meme quickly spread to English-speaking internet communities as well. In May 2021, a flash mob gained popularity in Russian-speaking communities, in which participants sent their parents pictures of Floppa and texts such as "Look, this is Floppa, the big Russian cat. What do you think of him?" via messenger. The parents' reactions were subsequently spread on social networks by the participants. On June 9, 2021, the correspondent of the TV channel " Dozhd " Maria Borsunova interviewed the "big Russian cat": in it, his owners talked about the history of the caracal and its popularity. On October 12, a similar interview was conducted by journalists of the Russian TV channel "360°".
Criticism[edit | edit source]
The family's social media channels are full of critical comments about keeping Gosha as a domesticated pet. Some users accuse the family of keeping a "wild animal" who belongs in the wild and should not be kept as a pet. More criticism sparked when users began to realize Gosha was also extremely overweight, leading to more hateful comments from animal specialists and users, however no major changes of Floppa's life were changed.
Sources and Credits[edit | edit source]
Gallery[edit | edit source]
Big Floppa's face
Family Photo with Big Floppa
Big Floppa with Matevi
Big Floppa Hissing at Camera
Big Floppa with multiple smaller Floppas
Rapping Floppa